Halloween in Hawaii

This is my first experience in it being hot and muggy on Halloween.  When I think of all the children bundled up in snowsuits in Minnesota during my daughter’s childhood Halloweens, I am just amazed at how different it is here.  Not only for the weather, but I did not see one single Frankenstein, Dracula or Mummy.  No axe murderers, no bloody, wounded or scarred faces.  Instead, there were tons of princesses, various bugs, anime characters, and many unknown things.

We started with dinner before trick or treating:

DSC05439 Bloody Guts (macaroni in blue tinted cheese sauce and red food colouring).

DSC05440 Mummies.  I used little sprinkle candies inserted for eyes and they oozed when baked…appropriately.

Then the witch helped the others get ready.  I missed getting a photo of Joseph, he is an Australian character called the Sniper.  He took off to hang out with his friends.

DSC05401DSC05355 The bird was getting his face painted.


DSC05363The flower got a lady bug painted on.

DSC05365 The anime character will be mad that I cannot remember the name, but he is this one:


DSC05375 There was no keeping the flower petals on, nope, not no way, not no how.


and off we went…..





Now there was this one house that went all out….it was fabulous!




DSC05433 There was a very long line in front of the house, everyone wanted to go here, it was so fun hearing the children…

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