
It was a Walmart stop yesterday.  We only needed fresh veggies and eggs, but we now buy fresh meat when we stop and so husband found a steak, I got a platter of cooked shrimp (enough for 2 meals).  I bought a pomegranate!

I cooked up a lovely diner for him, a small steak smothered in mushrooms and onions, potatoes and carrots.  I ate the cold shrimp. Ah, we have our little moment of luxury in this crazy truck life.  I really enjoyed my pomegranate last night, although I made a huge mess, lol.  My daughter and I use to eat them when she was young, I have really missed them.  So while my appetite just wasn’t really there yesterday, the fresh taste of a fruit and shrimp really was enjoyable.

This run will be short, and hopefully we are home around the 8th of November.  We’ll only have 4 days home, so there won’t be much time to do things I would like to.  I do have a doll coming from a friend in Finland that I am really excited about.  Hopefully she will have arrived before I arrive or leave.  She is 16 hand carved fully jointed wooden doll that is a dream doll for me.  My carved dolls are much smaller and less jointed, so I will be excited to see the jointing technique.  I have started knitting her a sweater, although I am only guessing at the size.  Hopefully I can bring her on the truck on the next run and bring plenty of wool to knit for her.


There’s not much to report, we got caught in the edge of the huge storm that hit across the USA, but for us, it was just a lot of rain and wind.

DSC09911  See that camper on the right?  It is not good.  First, he is taking a place to park away from a tired trucker who does not have the options a camper has to park and rest.  He is taking advantage of not having to park and pay a camp ground fee, while a trucker can get a heavy fine for driving past his allotted hours for the day if he has to keep driving to find a place to park.  Worse, this guy opened up his extensions, now taking up TWO truck spaces!  We both shook our head over it.  I am sure he made a few trucker curse that night.  I know I cursed when the rain got really heavy and I really had to go to the restroom.  Sigh.  Soaked to the skin is saying it mildly.

I tried taking a few photo’s of a great sunset we watched, but taking moving pictures is always more difficult in low light.  Here are the best ones:

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And a few daytime fall pictures:

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Oops….how did that get in there?  Cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wet Tennessee

The temps in all the places that we have been lately, have been mild.  We did a loop between Michigan and Chicago and with such short trips, it really set the tone for night driving and day sleeping.  We were tired and couldn’t get more than a few hours of sleep at a time.  That’s now over.

It seems we may be off of the night shift, but did have to get up at 2 am this morning to pick up a load at 4.  Sigh.  It was very foggy this morning in the dark and then quickly turned to a torrential rain for about 20 minutes, of course just when husband had to be outside hooking up the trailer.  Poor guy, he got soaked right down to his soggy shoes.

Rain, rain and more rain.  We are in Tennessee heading to Texas in the rain.  Made me think of an old movie, Soldier in the Rain with Steve McQueen and Jackie Gleason

Thanking the trucking deity that we are getting more miles and back on a day time schedule.  Was it that long ago that we could party all night and rush home for a shower and change of clothes and head to work?  How these truckers can drive at night is beyond me.  Bouncing + darkness knock me out cold.  I would like to see that movie again!