Have Pocket Pig, Will Travel

We went to Paisley last Saturday (yes, the town in Scotland that originated the famous paisley print).  We are planning to move there in October-November and are slowly getting to know the town a bit better.  We have often shopped there and both of us have our bus and train hub in the town centre. 




Our plan was simple, to visit the Abbey and have luncheon at a pub, grab a few shopping items as an outing for the day.  Olivia the Pig decided to pop into my pocket as soon as she heard about the pub possibility.SAM_5111 Have Pig, will travel.


And as it always is with Olivia, the outing becomes her adventure and not ours.  Here, she is leaving Renfrew aboard the number 101 bus and heading off to Paisley.  We live behind the building (behind her ear) and you can see the Wheatsheaf Inn being repaired.  One of the oldest pubs in Renfrew.  1700’s, I think.

It was dark, grey and drizzly.  Nothing unusual.  Sorry that the photo’s are equally dark.  It takes about 20 minutes by bus from Renfrew to Paisley although by car, I am sure it may be half that.  Husband catches his train from there and my bus to work goes through it.  It is larger than Renfrew and has far more shops.  We are hoping to find a flat within walking distance of the train station.  The abbey is within walking distance too.


The Paisley Abbey was founded in 1163.  The man who founded it, had a castle in Renfrew.  It started as a priory with 13 monks from Shropshire and became an abbey answerable to Rome in 1245.  It boggles the mind to think of something that old still standing.  It has of course been through a long history of destruction and rebuilding, but there is still a main wall of the original building.


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Olivia of course was constantly asking when we were going to the pub. I think she was afraid of being asked to be an altar pig.  I told her there was no such thing, but she wasn’t listening. I did manage to take a few photo’s of her in the abbey.  She considers herself quite photogenic.  What pig wouldn’t?

SAM_5138 Olivia liked the scale model of the abbey much better than the abbey itself.  She likes being bigger whenever she can.

SAM_5145 Although it was dark, grey and raining (as always) she insisted on taking a photo, although she was unable to pose properly since her bow was constantly blinding her ability to see whether the camera was pointing at her or not.

SAM_5159 Abbey’s aren’t really Olivia’s thing, but pubs are.  Time to relax and enjoy.  what a happy look on her face knowing beer was on it’s way.

SAM_5160 Olivia loves beer and food.  Especially the food.  This is the one time where a food menu is welcomed to be bigger than she is.  She wanted three of everything.

SAM_5163 And a Guinness may also be big.  In fact, she rather enjoyed the bigness.

SAM_5166 Yes, indeed. 

SAM_5169 Luncheon was a lovely haggis on burger with whisky sauce and chips.  Olivia insisted she is still a vegetarian and ate the chips and left the haggis to me.  Which I really do like. She merely snorted her disgust.

SAM_5173 Yes, pub life is the life for Olivia.  Chips and beer.  Beer and chips.  She started singing and we had to encourage her to be quiet.  Luckily she soon passed out.

SAM_5165 With a full belly and wet snout, she was soon in piggy oblivion.

We both enjoyed having Olivia with us so much, we have a feeling she is about to have more adventures ahead!