Just a bit of this and that

Bente made the most fabulous steak and lobster on the grill last Saturday.  I cannot remember the last time I had lobster….what a fancy feast this was!  The steak was meltingly tender too!


2012-02-18 010 2012-02-18 012

Mikey lost another tooth

2012-02-17 025

And I cooked my very first meal on a grill…..all by myself and nothing blew up!

2012-02-22 002 

I deep fried tortilla strips too,for the children.

2012-02-22 001

I think she is studying under Isadora Duncan

Ryah is playing with the Birthday gift we gave her, the little sing-song cake.  Twice in the video you can hear her blowing out the candles.  I didn’t mean to continue recording this long, but I could not get enough of Ryah’s spontaneous dancing.  She has just had her bath and always has an air bath afterwards.  At the end of the video, it was a bit unexpected, but then what can I say?  Just try not to giggle!

Homemade Beef Jerky

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Bente marinated the beef, I cut it up in pieces and whacked it with the back of the knife blade and in the dehydrator it went.  It was so much easier than I thought it would be.  I had always wanted one of these and this was my first chance to try it.  I haven’t tried a piece yet, but Bente and Mikey both liked it.

This and That

Just a few misc photo’s of late:

Joseph got an early birthday present….Class A’s:

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He is over the moon about them.

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Ryah always stacks her food in her hand and eats them that way.  cracks me up.  The red on her neck is just magic marker.  We may have an artist budding.

2012-02-03 Evie Green Eyes 0172012-02-03 Evie Green Eyes 018

Her hair is now long enough to wear PIGGY TAILS!!!!!!!!!   YAY!