Christmas in Hawaii

For both daughter and I, after many years battling Minnesota winter weather, having Christmas in Hawaii is definite up there with the weirdest things we have ever done. 

Here are a few morning present openings:

DSC06915 Before the boys came downstairs. 


DSC06924Mikey giving daddy a kiss on Skype.

DSC06926 Daddy (in Germany) watches everyone open presents.


DSC06930DSC06993I got a wonderful letter from Brandon.

DSC07011Milly kept one toy but was not amused with the whole present unwrapping at all.

DSC07023 I gave Bente an owl to commemorate the owl she found but could not keep.

DSC07024DSC07027Showing the owl to Mike

DSC07031Ryah saying hello to the owl.



Merry Christmas to all!


This morning I wanted to test an asian sweet rice to see how it would work for

Risengrød.  It was a success and the boys loved it!

DSC06789 A bit of hesitancy.  A new food ya know.

DSC06790 Still not sure…

DSC06791 Really Memaw?  Rice for breakfast?

DSC06792 He likes it!  Hey Mikey!

DSC06793 They both really liked it, once they realized it was sweet with sugar and cinnamon.  The oldest isn’t up yet….he loves rice anyways so I think he will like it too. 

Noodle Head, aka Brandonlicious


It is Brandon’s Birthday today.  He is at the mall with his friends.  More photo’s to come with that excursion, but right now I can add the photo’s from his dinner out last night:

DSC06548 Concentrating on picking the perfect dinner.

DSC06550 Opening the card from Mema and Pepa.

DSC06554 He got a wallet, which he proclaimed was the sickest wallet ever!  I was told that is a good thing.

DSC06555 A bit of cash and a gift card. 

DSC06560 A card from Mom and Dad. Even more cash.  Making for a great day at the Mall today.  Nothing like a sick wallet with sick money!

DSC06563 DSC06564

DSC06565 DSC06566

I think the book he got was considered sick too.  Another Whimpy Kid Diary book and let me just say he sat down and read it all the way through. 

DSC06569 And Brandon order the Triple something or other.  It was HUGE!!!!  Couldn’t finish it, but he certainly tried!


DSC06583 I think that was the end of the burger.

DSC06584 A good time was had by all.

Oh, and Brandon opened up his card this morning from his Nana and Grandad, and is absolutely in heaven for the ability to put more money into his sick wallet.  I bet he’s been shopping at the Mall and will come home with some sick stuff!!!!  lol